This week we will talk about the positive and negative usability of various applications on the network.I
will not fantasize, think out non-existent things and, as examples,
bring the projects that I use daily and I can put my opinion back on my
own experience. To begin with, let's start with a negative experience.
It's no secret that at the present time fewer and fewer peoples goes to stores and more and more people buying things onlain. I am such one of those people who make purchases in the Internet. At the moment I have tried out such systems as aliexpress, ebay, amazon and alibaba. Now I want to talk about the latter one. Horrible system :) It is so unfriendly to the user that I did not have a desire to make any orders using the website Honestly, I repeatedly returned, hoping to discover innovations, but each time left disappointed. This resource does not allow you to make a purchase without the consent of the seller, almost all the goods are sold in batches of several pieces, ie excludes the possibility of buying trial versions of the goods, delay of response from the seller can reach several days. I tried to deal with this system, but the more I used it, the more it disgusted me. Perhaps the most inconvenient global online store.
From the bad to the good, to smooth out all the negative. To the positive aspects of the Internet, I can include an application like WAZE. This application is not only available on the web, but also supported by mobile systems such as android and iOS. This application is a navigator program, the architects of which are the users themselves. The program / site is very simple to use and contains the most necessary information that may be needed on the road. In addition to all the basic functions of the navigator and informer, the system includes game elements. By adding to the map "dangers" or missing roads, passing a certain distance or reporting accidents, the user receives bonus points with which they can change their appearance on the map for other users. This program is so much pleased me and it turned out to be so necessary that I use it constantly ... if not every day, then every other day. I highly recommend to use "waze" if you have not done so yet.
Perhaps on this we will finish. From
myself I want to wish you more and more positive and less negative emotions
from using different kinds of systems and applications in the network.