Wednesday, 29 March 2017

IT PROF (7. nädal)

In today's article, I want to talk about IT professionals and what requirements apply to them in Estonia this year.First, let's figure out who the IT specialist is. As we see the name contains 2 words of IT and a specialist ...What is IT? Information technology is a wide class of disciplines and fields of activity related to technologies of management and data processing, including with the use of computer technology.Recently, information technology is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software for storing, converting, protecting, processing, transmitting and receiving information. Specialists in computer technology and programming are often called IT professionals.
A specialist is a person who succeeds in a certain activity. It is generally accepted that, in order to succeed, it is necessary to spend 10,000 hours in the area of ​​work in which a person wants to be succeed (rule 10,000 hours).A curious theory about why geniuses are not born, but become published in his book "genius and outsiders" journalist and sociologist Malcolm Gladwell. Based on the work of psychologist Anders Eriksson, he studied the success stories of many legendary personalities and companies, as a result of which the "Rule of 10,000 hours" was born.From the book: "Regardless of what area we are talking about, in order to achieve the level of mastery commensurate with the status of a world-class expert, 10,000 hours of practice are required. In the studies, the objects of which were composers, basketball players, writers, skaters, pianists, chess players, hardy criminals and so on, this number meets with surprising regularity. 10,000 hours are equivalent to about 3 hours of practice per day, or 20 hours per week for 10 years. This, of course, does not explain why some people are doing more good than others. But so far no one has ever met a case where the highest level of mastery was achieved in less time. It seems that this is the time it takes the brain to learn all the necessary information. "For example:* It takes about ten years to become a grandmaster. Only the legendary Bobby Fisher came to this honorary title faster: it took him nine years.* Bill Gates estimated that he spent about 10,000 hours programming on the computer, after which he managed to make a significant leap forward.* "The Beatles" came to the US in February 1964, launching the "British invasion" on the American music scene and producing a whole series of hits that changed the sound of popular music. Ten years have passed since the band was founded before recording such famous albums.
Based on the above, we can say with confidence that an IT specialist is a committed person who has devoted himself to the study of IT discipline for at least 5 working years.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Copyright Reform (6. nädal)

And so, it's time to talk about piracy and copyright protection. It's probably worth starting from me: ii have no any patents or copyright and to say honestly I'm partly a pirate. Why partially? Because in my hands periodically there is music or films for which I did not payed anything .. Maybe that's why my opinion will be not quite adequate and meaningful.Reduction of the terms of copyright I consider quite reasonable proposal. The real term of copyright at the moment is about four generations, and is constantly growing. It turns out that copyright inflicts eternal protection and completely excludes the use of material. But how much is this reasonable? It seems to me that such an unreasonably long time frame hinders the potential of other people, forcing them to reinvent the wheel once the forces could be directed at developing or improving the already existing result.Freedom in the field of information exchange also sounds good :). At all times, copying verses and rewriting, as well as exchanging the musical records of two people, was quite acceptable action. But recently such people began to be persecuted and impose fines on them. I think this is absurd. Firstly, if a person uses one or another record for non-commercial purposes, and even ate in commercial, what kind of loss to the ablator can he inflict? To the contrary, he will make advertising. Make a "name" to the author, and then this name will begin to work on the very right of the owner. It's another matter if large firms are engaged in copying and distribution of the material, the approach of the other must be ...

It seems to me patents not to be an artificial obstacle to free competition. Especially if patents affect the pharmacological industry. Why do firms patent medicines? Perhaps they are patenting someone's life not allowing to use their experience for more advanced organizations ....
But as I said, I am a little person and everything written above is my opinion, which may well turn out to be erroneous, but I believe that abolishing copyright or reforming them in a softer direction will improve the current situation, but not the other way round.
Btw. This article is patented by ME :)

Friday, 17 March 2017

Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life (5. nädal)

Who are you in real life?

In this article I would like to discuss the behavior of a person on the Internet. Should a person behave on the Internet as well as behaving in everyday life? It seems most peoples, if not to say all, in the Internet are completely different personalities than in real life. And it happens most likely because in the soul people have hidden desires that can not be realized in the real life. In this regard, the Internet opens up vast opportunities, allows you to feel yourself who you really are not, gives freedom of speech, gives some certainty of your rightness. Of course, in some cases, this freedom does not bring any benefit, and even vice versa, it turns a person who in real life seems normal, into a sociopath.For a long time I was played online games, also called as MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role-playing games) where characters were run by real people. For many participants, these games were a continuation of their real life. A huge amount of time and real money was invested in the characters that were controlled by people, who in life were not like them at all.
A boring, short-lived in real life person in the playing space turned into a bright personality with leadership abilities. And conversely, a cheerful person in real life, turned into a complete boor in the game, going all over the rules, not respecting the law, or the personality of other people or himself ...I wrote all this because I never guess who a person is in real life and whether he is a person at all, just talking to him on the Internet. This gives a colorful, unexpected revitalizes the routine of everyday life.The commandment reads: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life! But do you realy have to follow it? Probably it's still everyone's business. But it seems to me: should not. If on the Internet the person will be the same as in everyday life, the Internet for such a person will become boring and become simply an information channel. A quiet, modest man in real life will not argue with anyone on the Internet or defend his point of view, when it is possible that the dispute would bring clarity into someone's thoughts and reveal the truth in any matter. In this case, the Internet itself will lose its entertainment character and become like a library where people will come for information, life itself in the virtual world will become uninteresting and fresh, as it will look like the real one. And why then we need live two similar lives, when in one of them the graphics are much better :)?
On the other hand, the opportunity to be different from what you are can open up hidden potentials. Let me try myself in the role that it is terrible or awkward to apply in real life. And if everything goes good in a virtual world, maybe a person will be able to revise his behavior in reality and become better.... or worse :) In any case, everyone should decide for himself, by whom and how to be ... there ... and here .. ..

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Perfect world!? (4. nädal)

Review of the report of Pekka Himaneni 2004 at the Finnish Parliament
At all times a person has sought to improve the quality of his life. Irrespective of religion or nationality, a person wants to be in more comfortable conditions. In my opinion, Pekka Himanen does not just want, but also tries to bring society closer to this state. The article says that the information society can be defined as a creative society based on interaction, for which the most important aspect is not new technologies, but a new world view of things and use. As I thought Pekka's thoughts are aimed at creating an ideal society that can support each other and help in different fields of science, economics and labor. In his opinion, the information economy relies on the growth of productivity, based on innovation.
With his reasoning, Pekka brings people closer to an ideal model of society that will not only exist well but also flourish. As I thought pekka criticizes the current state of affairs, where society lives by the laws of "every man for himself" and "the strongest survives." Tells that if you want everything can be changed for the better with the help of information technology. In the light of these changes, "the information society can be defined as a society in which the quality of life, as well as the prospects for social change and economic development, increasingly depend on information and its exploitation. In such a society, the standards of life, forms of work and leisure, the education system and the market are significantly influenced by advances in information and knowledge. "
One of the most unpleasant aspects of this type of society is the loss of the sustainability situation of the information society. Due to the increasing role of information, small groups or commonwealths can have a huge impact on all people ...
It seems to me that in his arguments Pekka is very mistaken, since he speaks of people and peoples as a whole, excluding the factor of the individual. He speaks of a herd led by a shepherd, not taking into account the difference in the mentality of different peoples and their values. It seems to me that only a strong and brutal leader can lead to such a state.
Having received freedom and wealth and health, people will begin to be lazy and about no society in which the majority of workers are engaged in production we can not speak. Of course, the effective information interaction of people and their access to global information resources will raise the qualifications and general education of a person, but also increase the risks of sabotage or terror, where certain groups of people will try to take power in their hands. The development of e-democracy and the information economy will only exacerbate this action by making such people elusive.
With huge strides, humanity is approaching the model of the information society by itself and it seems to me that it is not necessary to increase the pace artificially. Technologies are developing and everything will happen by itself. It seems to me that the main task of people at the moment should not be the total immersion of mankind in innovation and information technology, but an increase in the level of protection associated with all kinds of influence on people, both individuals and society as a whole.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Sõnumiedastus (3.nädal)

Käesolevas artiklis ma tahan rääkida sõnumete,  nende arengu, eelistusi ja puudusi kohta.Ammude aegadest,  pikkade vahemaade suheldes, inimesed kasutanud erinevaid leiutis ... Ja kui kõvem ühiskonna arengus, seda rohkem võimalust hakkas tekima inimestel, et enda teade saata mingi kohale. Pikka ajade jooksul sõnumi saatmiseks  kasutasid inimesed loomi, lindu või inimesi. Kuid kiire infotehnoloogia arengusega, inimesed katsuvad loobuda füüsilise vahenditest sõnumi kosstamisel. Sõnumid muutud digitaalse kujundile,  aga vahenditeks, mis neid edasi saadaks nüüd saanud igasuguseid messendzerid.

Rohkem ja rohkem me nüüd kuulame sõna "messenger"sõnumitooja". Inglise keeles "Messenger" tähendab "sõnumitooja". Lühidalt, "see, kes toob uudiseid." Mis siis on Messenger on? IT-valdkonnas mõistes, juba pikka aega messenger on tugev tarkvara vahend, mis vimaldab lühisõnumite vahetus elektrooniliste sidekanalite kaudu. Tavaliselt sidekanal tähendab Internet, kuigi on ka üksikud erandid. Näiteks messenger FireChat mille tegi vene programmeerija Stanislaus Shalunova saab "suhelda" teiste seadmetega isegi ilma interneti ja isegi ilma mobiiliühendust.Üks esimesest Messengerist oli ICQ ja AOL. Need programmid olid väga populaarsed, kuna neid säästanud inimestele palju aega ja resurse. Ei olnud vaja oodata tähtede nädalat, et kirja saada, ei olnud vaja maksta templite ja ümbrikute eest, kirja koostamisel rohkem ei olnud vaja valima sõnu, et
öelda õigeid asjad lühikise tekstis ... Kommunikatsioon kiirsuhtlemisrakendusega täielikult asendas paberi kirja vahetus .. . Võib-olla te küsite: noh, miks mitte? Lõppude lõppuks ümbrikud on siia maani  müügil ja müüakse ka postmarke ... Võite saata paberi kirjad, kui soovite. Siis mina küsin teid: Kas te mäletate viimane kord, kui saatsite paber kiri sõberale või perele? Vastus on ilmselge ... Paberi kirja  koostamisele ja saatmisele läheb liiga palju aega.Ja kõik tundub olevat korras, inimesed ei pea enam muretseda õigeaegse kirju saatmise ja kättesaamise kohta, nüüd sõnumeid saadetakse kohe ühe klõpsuga ja sama kiiresti jõuavad adresaatile. Kui mul see leiatus põhjustab kurbust. Miks sa küsid? "Ilmselt seetõttu et ma mäletan, mis on paberi kirjad, mäletankuidas me ootasime neid, kuidas kirjutasime neid ja kastusime et tähed oleks ilusad ja tekst oli selge, selle isikule kellele see kiri oli adreseeritud, paljud inimesed isegi pritsisid parfüümi kirja peale, et teised inimesed saaks nende lõhna tunda... Kui nüüd kõike seda ei ole meie igapäevase elus.Kiirsuhtluse messengerid kasutades täeisti kadus kirja väärtus meie hingade jaoks. Sõnumid on muutunud lihtsalt informatiivseks ja harvadel juhtumitel sütitavad emotsioonid, kui autor suudab ilusti väljendada oma mõtteid. Neile, kes ei saa mind aru, ma proovin kirjeldada meie tundeid too ajal, millised emotsioonid võivad põhjustada paberi kirjad, ma seletan ... Kujutage ette, et teil on tellitud Ebayst mingi pakkend, mingi Teile väga vajalik asi, mida Te unistasite ja hakkasite ootama: päev ... nädala ... kuu aega.... ja lõppuks see tuli ... Te kiirustate postkontorisse ja saate kauaoodatud kimpu ... nagu laps aastavahetusel, saate enda pakki kätte, teete seda lahti ja naudite asjaga ja tunnete, kui kõva emotsioonid tekkivad siis. Samad tunded meil oli kauaoodatud kirjast mis on tulnud sõpradest või lähedastest.Ma ei väida, kiirsõnumeid on mugav, kasulik ja mõnikord isegi vajalik, kuid mõnikord nii innukalt vähemalt üheks päevaks, vabaneda kõikest nendest uutest tehnoloogiast ... Nii, et inimesed hakkaks kirjutada kirju, hakkaks üksteisega rääkida pigem kirjutada sõnumeid ja lõpuks vaataks üksteise silma aga mitte mobiil telefooni peale.